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Child Protection Level 1
So, You Want to be a Change Agent?
Colegio Nueva Granada Hosts Third Annual Learning Center Symposium
The Myth of the ‘Trailing Spouse’
Passion Projects: Getting to the Heart of Homework
A Shadow Teacher Stepping Out of the Shadow
Colombia Summit: Google for Education
Colegio Nueva Granada Hosts Second Annual Learning Center Symposium
How Not to Be The Expert: One Coach’s Experience with Cognitive CoachingSM
Cognitive Coaching Institute
Colegio Panamericano, Bucaramanga, Colombia
A Positive Approach to Analyzing Data
Live Podcasting during AASSA Conference- Journeys in Podcasting
Colegio Jorge Washington, Colombia
Library/Media, Technology, and Curriculum Coordinators Meeting
Colegio Bolivar, Colombia
The Columbus School, Medellín, Colombia
Colegio Nueva Granada- Bogota, Colombia
Journeys in Podcasting
Contribute to the AMISA Blog with original articles specific to Latin American and International Education. Each piece must be well written, include full information about the publisher, and cannot feature copyrighted content.