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Candidates and Recruiters are able to meet online in the AMISA Recruiting Database chat rooms to discuss job openings and schedule interviews for international teaching jobs.

Businesswoman with Mask

Locating AMISA Chat Rooms:

Follow these steps to ensure you are registered to attend:

  1. Log in to the recruiting database by clicking the candidate database or recruiter database button below.

  2. Click the Chat tab at the top of the page.

See screenshot below for assistance.

Working with Laptop

How To Use The Chat Feature:

Access Chat for Candidates:
1.  Click the Chat link in the navigation bar.
2.  The candidate will be taken to the AMISA Office chatroom first.
3.  The candidate can then select any school from the left side.

Access Chat for Recruiters:
1.  Click the Chat link in the navigation bar.
2.  The recruiter will be taken to the AMISA Office chatroom first.
3.  The recruiter can then select their school from the left side.

Direct Messages (top left) - This shows all of their direct chats.  The name in red is the active chatroom.  When a new direct chat is requested, it will show a "Requesting Direct Chat" notice in red below the name and play a sound (if audio is allowed by their browser).  Click the direct chat name to enter the direct chatroom.  You can move your mouse over the direct chat name to show an "x" which will allow you to close the direct chatroom, but only once you have left to another chatroom first.

Joined Chatrooms (middle left) - This shows all of the visited/joined chatrooms.  The room name in red is the active chatroom. You can click on the chatroom name to switch chatrooms. You can move your mouse over the chatroom name to show an "x" which will allow you to close the direct chatroom, but only once you have left to another chatroom first.

All Chatrooms (bottom left) - This shows all of the chatrooms.  You can click on the chatroom name to enter that chatroom.

Active Chatroom (middle) - This shows the active chatroom messages.  Recruiters will see buttons at the top to download visitors and messages.  They will need to download these at the end of each day, since it will only download the current day's visitors and messages.  Candidates will only see the Profile and Vacancies buttons to view each accordingly for the active school.  They can type a message at the bottom and either click the submit button or just hit the enter button on their keyboard to post a message in the chatroom.  Recruiters can delete messages within their school's chatroom by hovering over the name associated with that message and clicking the "x" next to their name.

Current Chatroom Users (right) - This shows all of the active users in the active chatroom.  The name in bold is the current user's name.  You can move your mouse over the names to show the red "Chat" button and click to enter a direct chat with that user.

Important: Candidates must have an application marked 'complete' and 'paid' in order to access the chat feature. Recruiters must have paid for the AMISA Recruiting Service to access the chat feature.

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Suite 400-S5
Doral, FL 33172


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