More than 65 world-class Member Schools.
Global and local Partner Member institutions.
#Better Together

Member Testimonials

Kevin Glass
Head of School
Atlanta International School,
Atlanta International School was honored to become the first US based member of AMISA in 2020. Since that time, our administrators, teachers and operational staff have taken full advantage of the many relevant and pertinent (and often free for AMISA members) professional development opportunities. As a head of School--the collective professional wisdom of our AMISA heads and the resources we can tap into for and share with each other have been invaluable as our schools navigate the pandemic and wake up to our collective responsibility to build more equitable, inclusive and just communities.
Lynn Notarainni
Curriculum Associates
Always a pleasure working with the AMISA team as they provide opportunities to meet with educators at their professional conferences. In 2020, AMISA stepped up to the plate and helped connect us all through webinars and virtual workshops.
Madeleine Maceda Heide
Former Superintendent
Academia Cotopaxi, Ecuador & Asociación Escuelas Lincoln, Argentina
AMISA cares about me. As a very busy head of school, I know that the leaders of AMISA care about my well being, and stand ready to provide me with support to lead my school community. Even more remarkable, AMISA cultivates a culture of learning across our entire region, nudging all other leaders to support and challenge one another in leading our schools. Knowing that my voice counts is a remarkable and precious benefit of membership in this fantastic organization.