by Paul Poore

AASSA’s annual Educators’ Conference took place the first week of April at Nido de Aguilas in Santiago, Chile. Close to 200 participants for the Pre-conference sessions and over 550 participants at the main conference along with exhibitors from close to 40 supporting companies partnered in learning over five days. The annual AASSA Educators’ Conference is a yearly event that brings educators from our member schools together for learning, sharing, and celebrating with each other.

The 2019 conference was developed around the theme Empower Partnerships, Transform Learning—and the three keynoters (Homa Sabet Tavanagar, Diane Sweeney and Michael Johnston)each addressed this theme in his or her own way highlighting the partnerships between teachers and students, teachers and their colleagues, and between our schools and other organizations.

The conference also featured over 100 practitioner workshops presented by our region’s educators, administrators and partner members as well as job-alike cohorts facilitated by Nido faculty.
Please be sure to check out the twitter feed from the conference posted on the AASSA blog:
A very special thanks to the administration, faculty, staff and students at Nido de Aguilas for exemplifying an empowered partnership with AASSA to host a conference with the aim of transforming learning in our region’s schools.

Please plan on attending AASSA 2020 at Graded School in Sao Paulo, March 17-21, 2020.