Attend the 29th Annual 2016 AASSA Recruiting Fair

December 1 – 4, 2016 Grand Hyatt Buckhead 3300 Peachtree Road, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30305
The AASSA Recruiting Fair, the first to be held each recruiting season, is specific to South American, Latin American and Caribbean International Schools. Typically, there are vacancies in the 50+ schools in attendance for over 350 administrative and teaching positions representing all K-12 educational fields.
Why attend the Recruiting Fair? Approximately 95% of candidates hired each year attend the recruiting fair in Atlanta. It is especially important for candidates new to overseas teaching and those who are new to a a career in education to interview with recruiters face-to-face. Even for seasoned international educators, recruiters like to meet candidates in person, and it is to a candidate’s advantage to recruit in person if at all possible.
Cost: The $110 one-time registration fee covers the cost of attending the fair, so there are no additional costs levied by AASSA to attend the fair. Candidates are responsible for their own travel and hotel costs.
Steps to Attend the Recruiting Fair
Step 1: Complete the online application process.
Select ACTIVE to activate your candidacy for the current recruiting year
Select that you WILL attend the Recruiting Fair in Atlanta.
Complete all sections of the online application.
Step 2: Make Hotel Reservations
Upon your notification of acceptance as a candidate, the AASSA office will send an email with further information about the Recruiting Fair and will also provide a link to make reservations at the Grand Hyatt, the site of the fair.
We have a group rate at the Grand Hyatt for $129 + 16% taxes. Please do not make reservations directly with the hotel because you will receive an email with the reservation link once you have completed the application, and have been accepted.
The Grand Hyatt reservation deadline is Friday, November 9, 2016
Click here to make reservations.
Information on the Recruiting Fair
A schedule of the Fair appears on our website
You should plan to register at the main registration on Thursday, December 1st at the Grand Hyatt from 5:00-6:30 pm and attend an orientation session from 6:30-7:30 pm which we encourage all candidates to attend
A second registration session will be held on Friday morning, December 2nd from 7:00-8:00am for those candidates who are unable to register on Thursday evening. This will be followed by a brief orientation session from 8:00 – 8:45 am
You should bring a laptop/device with wireless connectivity so that you can access the AASSA site. There will be free internet access in the lobby of the hotel and a workroom in which we will provide wireless access. The Grand Hyatt also provides free internet in our group’s rooms.
Candidates should bring hard copies of their resume for the sign-up session, an original copy of educational credentials, and any and other documentation to support their candidacy.
Contact Us
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions
Esther Nicolau:
Paul Sicard:
Paul Poore:
Terri Williams (billing):
Phone: 954-436-4034
Fax: 954-436-4092