AASSA Business Managers’ Institute July 17 -19, 2017 Marriott Residence Inn Aventura, Florida
Day I –Critical to effective strategic decision-making is the partnership with and the engagement of the school board and administration. How do business managers and heads of school engage the board in the range of its strategic responsibilities without inadvertently inviting board members into micro managing? How do business managers, heads and boards find the common ground to work together through sub-committees to carry out the mission; balance the financial tradeoffs of income and expense? This session will engage the participants into a deep dive dialogue about mission implications and changes that may affect market position, financial health, constituent engagement and management. Participants will learn a strategic process to help guide key constituents in assessing and managing the appropriate tradeoffs and financial management. Day II – Business Managers often represent the past, present, and future of a school; they are the “glue” while board members and heads rotate in and out.Business Managers are often in a position of coaching with the need to try to speak the same language and work together on the types and pace of change, thus ensuring stability and continuity while also providing for appropriate strategic shifts. Coaching is a set of specific skills, competencies, behaviors, and tools to enable Business Managers to guide others. Participants will learn how to create a healthy dialogue and engagement while navigating the diffused power structure of boards, committees, and school leadership. This is a very interactive session where we will enhance your leadership skills by improving your knowledge of how to engage and create the environment for motivation. You will be given tools to manage and handle conflict more effectively. This Institute is designed for Business Managers, Heads of School, and anyone involved in planning strategically
Our Facilitator Mina Merkel has been working internationally for 30 years in over 70 countries for corporations and non-profits performing institutional strategic planning. Mina worked globally for General Motors for 20 years in Asia, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and North and South America.
Mina has been involved in large scale, high risk, strategic projects that span organizational boundaries including multiple business units and service partners/vendors. She has led cross-functional teams responsible for delivering defined project outputs to time, budget and project quality criteria. Mina has consulted in all facets of industry: Finance, Government and Public Relations, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, Engineering, Design, Legal, Information Technology, Planning, as well as international think tanks, schools and universities.
Mina facilitates strategic planning sessions, board governance-training sessions, and customizes workshops and retreats for Boards of Directors throughout the world. Mina is an officer on the Board of Directors of the Sao Paulo Education Foundation and served on the Boards of Frankfurt International School and Graded, The American International School of Sao Paulo, Brazil and consulted as the Facilities Project Manager during the 2-year planning stages of a complete renovation of Graded’s K-12 campus.
Mina designed, facilitated governance conferences and is a featured speaker at the Association of American Schools in Brasil (AASB), the Association for American Schools in South America (AASSA) 2014 and the East Asia Regional Council of Schools (EARCOS) 2015 and 2016 and Central and Eastern European Schools Association (CEESA) in 2017.
Conference information and costs, an online registration form, and a link to make your hotel reservations are posted on the AASSA website: The hotel reservation & registration deadline is June 16th! ……………………………………………………………………………………….