Join Marla Hunter, President, Live.Love.Teach!
Workshop Dates:
January 25, 2021
February 1, 2021
February 8, 2021
February 16, 2021
Meeting Times: 5:00-6:00pm EDT
Audience: Early Childhood & Early Elementary (K-2) Teachers & Leaders
Register! Free for AASSA Members!
Course Overview:
Early Childhood deals with the holistic development of a child’s social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs. The concept of diversity, equity and inclusion takes various forms and it is extremely important to educate our students from an early age on the importance of culture, respect, compassion, and awareness of self and other.
Session 1:Preparing the Stage for Cultural Diversity
Session 2: What’s the C.U.R.E.?
Session 3: How to Teach Tolerance
Session 4: Care and Share
Sessions will cover tips, strategies, and ideas around DEI work in an Early Childhood and Early Elementary Environment.
About the Presenter:
Marla is the founder and president of Live.Love.Teach!, LLC, a global education consulting firm. She has worked with many global organizations, and presented to numerous leaders, to help create more inclusive organizations. Marla is an expert in providing training in: DEI (Diversity Equity & Inclusion) with a focus on unconscious bias, cultural competence, inclusive leadership, women’s advancement, authentic leadership, and allyship; EdTech; Teacher Selfcare; and Math Talks. She is also an avid curriculum developer and instructional designer. Marla is a firm believer in the use of EdTech & a lover of Maths. She has participated and facilitated several math initiatives in Tennessee and Mt. Holyoke University: SITES-M School (Strengthening Instruction in Tennessee Elementary Schools) – Focus on Mathematics, Summer Math for Teachers Working with Data: DMI Training/ DMI Facilitation Training, Summer Math for Teachers Geometry:Examining Features of Shape DMI Training/ DMI Facilitation Training, and SITES-M DMI Training for Teachers Number and Operations, Part 1 Building a System of Tens: Calculating with Whole Numbers and Decimals. She also provided quarterly Parent PD (Early Childhood Parent Sessions) in Reading, Math, andSTEM/STEAM at the International School of Abuja.She has had a successful career of teaching and leadership in both public and private education in Nashville (TN), Memphis (TN), Orlando (FL), and currently San Jose (CA). Marla has taught,mentored and been in leadership internationally in the following places: China (Shenzhen), Nigeria (Abuja), and the UAE (Al Ain).When she’s not being an Secondary Instructional Coach and Induction Mentor, you can find her on the Board of the San Jose Women’s Club as the Director of Membership and Inclusivity, working with Downtown College Prep’s DEI Committee, and at the pool coaching private swim lessons, working with educational companies developing curriculum for their programs, and living a “Life of Yes”.