Join Heidi Hayes Jacobs & Allison Zmuda.
Download Workshop Description Flyer
Meeting Dates:
Session 1: October 12th, 2020
Session 2: November 5th, 2020
Meeting Times:
5:00-6:30pm EDT

School Leaders & Teachers
Series Overview
How can we design purposeful, streamlined, relational, and engaging learning experiences at this challenging time? Our first session establishes the need and purpose for a coherent manageable learning set to communicate with school families. Participants will explore key features and examine illustrative examples to inspire a prototype or revise existing week-at-a-glance. In between sessions, participants ideally would test out their ideas with colleagues and/or families
What pedagogical values are uncovered based on examining our learning sets? How might we continue to refine our designs to be purposeful, streamlined, relational, and engaging? Based on the work of participating school teams we will provide feedback to specific learning sets designed by AASSA schools in a “fishbowl” master class model. School teams are encouraged to submit questions about the design of sets in advance of our session..