In episode 5 of AASSA Radio, you will hear an interview conducted by Dr. Dereck Rhoads, AASSA’s executive director, with Madeleine Heide, the head of school of Academia Cotapaxi in Quito, Ecuador and president of the AASSA Board. Madeleine shares the newly created AASSA Mission, vision and values and the significance of that work for the AASSA region.
Mission Statement
AASSA’s mission is to enhance the quality of education in American/international member schools.
Vision Statement
We are a vibrant, membership-driven learning organization promoting visionary leadership, innovative programs, and fiscally sustainable services.
Core Values
We believe that:
Progressive learning in a safe and collaborative environment is essential to bettering the world.
Respect, trust and compassion generate positive relationships within a learning community.
We are better when we work together!
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