Student Scholarships and Awards
AASSA’s 2014 Margaret Sanders Foundation Scholarship Recipient
This year’s Margaret Sander’s Scholarship Award nominee from the AASSA region for her dedication to and embodiment of service to her school and community is Gisella Silva from Colegio Franklin Delano Roosevelt in Lima, Peru. This year’s competition was particularly notable, but Gisella shined in all areas, resulting in her nomination.

Gisella is a student in FDR’s Innovation Academy and, as such, has shown her entrepreneurial spirit by launching two companies: BlendZ (a smoothie startup) and Gisella’s Cupcake Factory. She is President of the Techo Club–the winner of the 2013 AASSA Global Citizen Award–an organization of 200 community members that raises funds to build homes for those in need. She is an avid member of GIN and was an organizer of the 2014 ClimA Conference at FDR. Gisella has served on the Junior Advisory Board as a fully-granted participant at a conference in Madrid on how to improve higher education. She was Student of the Year in Grades 9-11, is a varsity soccer player, a dancer, summer camp aide, and editor of The Break, an online Peruvian news portal.
We look forward to the final selection of recipients in February and hope that Gisella is a recipient of one of the scholarships.