Tim Doran , Athletics/Activities Director, Colegio Franklin Delano Roosevelt, The American School of Peru
At Colegio Roosevelt we believe that Sports and After-School activities can not only be fun and entertaining, but they can teach important life skills, preparing children to become responsible, well-balanced adults.
Highlights of our Athletics and After-School Activities programs from fall 2013:o Elementary after school activities have organized 30 different student events serving 480 individuals.o Middle and High school ASA’s are offering 30 activities to 400 students.
o SAAC Varsity volleyball- Lincoln, Buenos Aires , Sept. 26/27/28 successful trip- Boys 3rd place, Girls 2nd
o SAAC Varsity soccer- FDR , Lima, Nov. 7/8/9 – 160 guests hosted- 250 players/coaches /AD’s and support staff- Tech online “live” streaming, online photo display- twice daily results updates- FDR teams – 2nd place in both boys and girls- see FDR main page- Quick links- SAAC Soccer Tournament
o SAAC Swimming- Nido, Santiago, Nov. 28-Dec. 1- sending 25 age group swimmers.
o Robotics Club traveled to Indonesia for a world competition- featuring a project design for using robots in support of Lima archeological site protection.
o ADCA ( local Lima Schools association) participation in Boys juveniles, Boys infantiles, Girls mayores football, Girls infantiles gymnastics, Menores B+G Track and Field
o First Modern Biathlon- Oct. 19 – 40 participants from 7-45 years of age in a swimming and running competition.
o FDR Open Student Tennis tournament Dec. 3-6