By Ivan Mercado & Steve Desroches
Colegio Jorge Washington partnered with the EdTechTeam to proudly host a Colombia Google for Education Summit on February 18th and 19th, 2018 in the city of Cartagena. Over 174 educators, representing 13 schools from Latin America participated in the two- day event.

The Summit was a powerful learning opportunity focused on strategies for integrating G Suite for Education and other Google Tools to promote student learning in K-12 education. Keynote presentations and informative breakout workshops were led by Google Certified Educators, Google Innovators, Google Certified Trainers, practicing administrators, and many local tech-stars.

Specific sessions leveraging G Suite for Education to support student learning in the region included:
Deployment & Management of Google Apps
Google Apps for Education Certification
Chromebooks in Education
Android and Google Play in Education
Google Maps and Earth Across the Curriculum
YouTube for Schools
Google Plus for Personal Learning Networks
Google Classroom, Google Drive, Google Sites, Google Calendar, Gmail power tips, and more

The true power of the Google Summit can be witnessed weeks and months later in the collaborative and innovative learning happening in our schools. Special thanks to AASSA and ACCAS for sponsoring this event. We looks forward to continuing our learning together in the near future.

“I want to thank you for hosting the Summit, you’ve been great. I am not sure if you notice the significance of this event right now, but in the near future, people will talk about what happened last weekend. For me, it has been very meaningful to be a part of it.” – Federico Centeno, Colegio Marymount, Barranquilla“The Google Summit inspired me to continue supporting our teachers to transform the educational experiences our students receive” – Ivan Mercado, Colegio Jorge Washington