By Dereck Rhoads, AASSA Executive Director
We are better when we work together! Indeed, progressive learning in a safe and collaborative environment is essential to bettering the world. Respect, trust, and compassion generate positive relationships within a learning community. As we move into this new decade, may we each continue to embrace community, collaboration, and a common sense of purpose.
AASSA’s mission is to enhance the quality of education in our American/international member schools. Our vision is that we are a vibrant, membership-driven learning organization promoting visionary leadership, innovative programs, and fiscally sustainable services.
Our Purchasing Service is kicking into high gear as we provide a cost effect and efficient means by which our schools receive school supplies and equipment. We recently completed our face-to-face job fair with 47% of schools hiring at least one candidate and over 80% of schools making job offers to candidates during the fair. Our recruiting database is available all year to member schools that have signed up for our Recruiting Service
Salary survey results for Heads of Schools, Principals, and Teaching positions will be shared with the Heads of School of all participating schools. As a reminder, only participating schools will receive a copy of the survey results.
We have changed our Business Managers’ Conference to School Operations Conference. The conference will remain in Miami in the summer but take on a broader focus to include advancement, admissions, facilities etc. as well as finance. The School Operations Conference dates are July 8-10, 2020 and July 7-9, 2021. Our Governance Conference and Heads’ Retreat will remain connected for the coming year. The Governance Conference will be September 1-3, 2020 and August 31-September 2, 2021.
We are excited too for our upcoming Educators’ Conference in Brazil. We have outstanding keynote presenters as well as breakout sessions planned and we expect great participation. The 2020 theme is Future Ready? Share today, Shape tomorrow, March 17-21, 2020. We are also excited to announce our 2021 location, dates and theme. For 2021 our theme will be The Courage Effect: Thriving in Critical Moments. The 2021 conference will be held at the American School of Guatemala, March 23-27, 2021. Our goal is to announce or conference locations and dates at least two years in advance. Please check our website for conference dates and details.
Visit the AASSA blog and check out our new AASSA TV section, listen to an AASSA Radio feature or read article. As always, I conclude my section of the Newsletter with One to think on…
One to think on…
“…although teachers matter, it is how they think, how they foster students becoming their own teachers, and how they can see the impact of their efforts through the eyes of the students that matter more” (Hattie & Zierer, 2018, p. 101).
Best regards,
Dr. Dereck Rhoads
AASSA Executive Director
Hattie, J. & Zierer, K. (2018). 10 Mindframes for visible learning: Teaching for success. New York: Routledge.