Ideal for school teams focused on developing practical strategies for using assessment data and feedback to improve student learning. All grades welcome!
When: January 16th and 17th, 2016 8am to 4pm at the American School of Brasilia
Cost: R$ 275,00 for AASSA schools R$ 350,00 for non-AASSA schools
To register:
Please go to the following link Deadline for sign-up: December 1st , 2015
Description During this weekend, participants will:
Explore the transformational power of formative feedback – and the nature of a true feedback ‘loop’
Practice ongoing assessment strategies and more fully understand that they are the key tools in empowering both teachers and learners
Explore and practice what it truly means to have a democratic classroom, in which the student ́s voice is heard and valued
For more information:
please contact Sue Easton
Deputy Head of School for Learning American School of Brasilia