International Educational Leadership Award
AASSA bestows an annual award on the individual who, in the opinion of the Board, best represents the following qualities and endeavors:
Leadership for learning–creativity in successfully meeting the needs of students in international schools
Communication–strength in both personal and organizational communication
Professionalism–constant improvement of administrative knowledge and skills, while providing professional development opportunities and motivation to others in the field of international education
Enhancing AASSA–significant contributions to AASSA as an international organization

Lee has a long and distinguished career in international education spanning 30 years at international schools in Ethiopia, Brazil and Spain after teaching in New York City and Minneapolis. Eleven of those years were spent in South America, most recently as the Superintendent of Graded School in Sao Paulo and, previously, as Principal of the American School of Rio de Janeiro.
Lee is a trainer for the Principals’ Training Center (PTC), has taught in the College of Education at the University of Minnesota, and has been a guest speaker on contemporary educational issues at a wide variety of community events. He provides consultancy services to international school boards in the areas of effective governance and fund-raising. Lee’s interests in intercultural education, school-based continuous improvement, and the role of schooling in society are at the core of his educational philosophy.
We bid Lee all the best as he leaves the AASSA region in June for the directorship of the International School of Brussels.