The Importance of the Intramurals Program in an International School
Enrique Damasio, Athletics Director, Phys.Ed. and Health teacher. Colegio Internacional de Carabobo, Venezuela
Intramurals promote participation, increase friendship and life time memories

Intramurals Softball team. Students and Faculty together at the end of an Intramural game.
From August to June of each school year the International schools (most of them) run their Athletics and Intramurals programs which are the beginning of new exciting sports seasons. Intramurals also work, for the student, as the prelude of a possible participation in the All-stars teams representing their schools in the different sports organizations that exist in each country. (For example: in Venezuela we find the traditional “VANAS” as the main sports organization for most of the international schools in this country).
Intramurals is the perfect moment to meet other grade students, daily friends and Faculty members on the sport ground while playing a game which can be nerve-racking; however, once a student starts it, this student will begin to hear the sound of friendship and good time approaching the student’s life.
Even if the student has not the ability, time or willingness to perform at competitive levels, signing up in the Intramurals program will provide this student the excitement of being part of a team, being useful and important for their friends as well as for the teachers involved in it. This helps with self-esteem and integration of the student.
Intramurals is usually led by the Athletic Department of each International school most of the times. International schools regularly have everything set and ready for any student who wish to participate in the intramurals program at the beginning of the school year.
Intramurals will include many kinds of sporting events from court games to field type of sports. In many occasions these Intramurals programs are the bridge to find out new skilled students for the high level sports and move them into the All-stars program too.
Advertising such as posters, assembly announcements, and school-wide e-mails that will announce the beginning of sign-ups for an upcoming intramural season, will be found on campus. Students can also look on the school’s Web site and click on Athletics and find all the information related to the intramurals program; that should take the student to a page that will have intramurals and provide with the information needed. Most likely, all the information will go out within the first weeks of school.
Intramurals are a great way to expand the student’s base of friends in the school, to divert the attention (for a while) from the pressures of the classroom, and, of course, to help improve and keep the skills of the sports the student is participating. We also add a great amount of Health benefits while participating in intramurals, exercising is a must during their performance.
International Intramurals Sports surveys have shown researches concerning intramural sports on the International schools campus and its value. The results show that many times students were drawn to intramurals because of what the school offered in recreation and fitness. The study also demonstrated that students involved in school recreation, combined with a balanced schedule, showed greater alertness in classes and enjoyment of their school experience.
School recreation and intramurals will usually involve all the basic sports like flag football, soccer, basketball, volleyball, softball etc. Creativity will add many other opportunities, such as lacrosse, ultimate Frisbee, indoor soccer, and even track and field events. Each school will develop its own style of gaming and awards. Many schools have championship t-shirts, medals and trophies that show you have won an intramurals tournament championship.
At Colegio Internacional de Carabobo in Venezuela, we run a traditional and effective Intramurals program which is the foundation of our Athletics program connecting Physical Education and the high performance sports as the All-stars teams.
Intramurals and All-stars are divided in seasons and each season starts at the Physical Education classes in the morning with fundamentals, technics and rules of the sport. The student is prepared for the Intramurals sport afterschool and is more secure, motivated and with confidence to participate.
School Intramurals allow students to continue their education outside of the classroom by sharing with the Faculty members and classmates while participating in teams. However, the greatest part of intramurals will be the memories and friendships the student makes throughout the school years. These memories will live on with the student and his/her friends for a lifetime.
We also have opportunities for students to work in the intramural program, giving those students leadership experience, as referees or score keepers; Students have the opportunity to develop their skills as organizers too. Fresh ideas are always a helpful hand to the programs as well.
Our Athletic program philosophy at Colegio Internacional de Carabobo is the one that gives the Physical Education classes the top importance which provides the tools for a better performance at the afterschool sports activities.