by Rebeca Lopez, Student at International Academy located in Quito Ecuador
Have you ever asked yourself, why do young people prefer technology rather than quality time with family and friends? We are at an age where technology is considered the greatest discovery of the millennium, but also the most influential distractor in children and youth. Today, generations have lost the knowledge of the meaning of what traditional games really are. Tradiludis JA is a company whose main objective is to rescue Latin American culture through the development of traditional games with a purpose to spread to children and youth recreation and cultural traditions.

Tradiludis JA was created by 20 teenagers between 15 to 16 years old who we have a vision of knowing that anything we do, it has to help the world develop but never forgetting who we are and where we come from. It everything started with the proposal of the Foundation Junior Achievement’s invitation to be part of a competition called “My Company”. Our school has been part of this competition for 7 years, and we have always won the first places. This is why is now a challenge for us not to be left behind by proposing a good quality and innovative product.
This program has the main purpose to prepare and show young people the importance of knowing how is the real world of business and how it actually works. We started from zero. We had to first establish our company and its members. Tradiludis JA consists of a directory which has the general manager, area managers, internal and external advisers. The departments are divided in 7 managers: general management, finance, marketing, production, human talent, technology, and social responsibility. All of us come together as a team, with one vision and with one purpose.
After conducting a market analysis at our school, ISM International Academy located in Quito-Ecuador, we proposed the product that is “Latin American traditional games” taking into account the importance of recreation in the new generations, since currently children and youth make a use of technology in an average of 8 hours a day. Is terrifying to think about this fact being real. This is why the staff investigated which were the traditional games of interest of most of the countries in Latin America. The results were putted together in a total of 12 games, divided in two different presentations:

We believe that the respect for the environment is essential for the social development of a company, which is why our raw material passes through cleaner production processes. As part of Social Responsibility, we generate jobs to different artisans of our country, we support the Centro Integral Lucha de los Pobres by providing children from 0 to 3 an especial room for the development of their body expressions. We also work with Fundacion Paraiso for the rescue and adoption of dogs. And our last project, which is reforestation, with the Department of Environment of the Municipal District of Calderón, which consist in planting 1 tree for every TRADI or LUDIS presentation we sell.
Inspiration and creativity has been one of the main factors for our company to come together. This is why we project ourselves to sell approximately 600 units minimum, not only for our benefit, but rather for the social impact Tradiludis JA is going to make. We hope that our objective stops being a dream, and starts being a reality.