Sketchnoting is a form of visual note taking gaining rapid popularity among professionals and students.

I was asked several times today which app I use to draw the sketchnotes on my iPad. There are several apps on the market. I personal preference is the iPad app Paper by FiftyThree, which is available for free in the iTunes store.
There are many resources available to start sketchnoting (with a pencil and a paper or digitally). To learn about the basics you can start with the following slidedeck.
I have learned 3 things, since I started dabbling with doodling 🙂
You don’t have to be an artist ( I am not…)
The process of thinking involved AS you are creating the sketchnote about a topic is “mindblowing”.
Sketchnoting helps me process and digest a talk, wrap my mind around a large amount of information and organize my thoughts better. I am using sketchnoting as part of my learning process.
Links & Resources:
Sunni Brown: TED Talk: Doodlers Unite
Sunni Brown on Twitter
Langwitches’ Sketchnoting Pinterest Board
Sketchnote Scribes Google+ Community
A Sketchnote Primer by Brad Ovenell-Carter
Langwitches’ Diigo Social Bookmarks about Sketchnoting